Thursday, August 16, 2007

CD 19, BCP Day 15 & Other Peope's Updates

Ok so you fellow charters will have to help me on this. Have any of you still charted while on BCP's? Don't ask me why I guess after 2 years I just can't let go! (Plus the fact that according to my charting, my 1st 2 IUI's were performed after I ovulated!!!) Shoot, I'm gonna chart my IVF cycle, too! Anyway, I know birth control works in 3 ways, so in case one doesn't work the others hopefully will. 1. It should stop you from ovulating. 2. It should make cervival fluid hostile. 3. It should make endometrium hostile/thin to implantation. Now, #3 is exactly why my husband and I had a problem being on BCP ever - it could allow an egg to be fertilized, but not give it a place to implant. (Off topic: Although my research indicated the NuvaRing was WAY better at preventing ovulation than oral pills and if taken in conjunction with baby aspirin to keep the lining implant-able, we could do that in good conscience (and did). Shoot, clomid thinned the lining about the same as the Nuvaring!) My chart:

ANWAY - my point is, FF is telling me I ovulated on CD 12. My earliest before has been CD13. So early for me, but believable. What do you guys believe? I don't think it matters one way or another, but I'm facinated by this!

On a not-so fun topic, I got my 3rd ever UTI this weekend. Symptoms appeared Saturday morning, but with plenty of fluids and a long bath I figured I could wait until Monday morning's sick call at base and avoid a long day in Urgent Care. Sunday = Much worse! Still, a bath at 6am from the pain that kept me from sleeping and more fluids and pure cranberry juice helped me feel 100% better. So church and a lasy afternoon. At smallgroup that night something inside me snapped and we had to leave pronto & go straight to Urgent Care. I could barely sit/stand and not cry! It was horrific. At this point there's obvious blood now too. Ick. Classic symptoms. I was diagnosed quickly and sent to a 24-hour CVS. I couldn't even stand at the counter, and the pharmacits noticed. He looked at my perscription and kindly asked if I needed a bathroom. I camped out there the entire 8 minute wait. J told me the pharmacist said, "I'll get this ready in 5 minutes, you go tend to her." So sweet! Yeah, I barely made it home and rushed to a 2 hour long bath, 800mg ibuprofen, and some relief. The horrible part? I brought this on myself. Without giving out too much intimate details, it involved J and me taking a trip to the lake, a midnight swim, and some adult fun. Oh Brother! What an idiot. Lesson learned.

I'm almost 100% aside from nausea from the and odd pains in my lower stomach. Today we leave for a wonderful trip to Florida for 4 days of relaxation and great times. How I'm excited for that!!!

I know some of you are at times of importance in your cycles (SquarePeg,- IVF waiting for growing report after a bit of a disappointing fertilization report, Our Own Creation - FET #1 expecting beta today, Grace Is Still Enough - waiting to surge for IUI #1, Baby Wait - crazy betas and pee-sticks needing to know if she's got a beautiful living baby inside!). Say a prayer, go over and offer support, we all can use it. Love you all ladies....


JJ said...

Sorry for the ugly UTI--I dont wish those on anyone! Ugg...but sounds like you had a fun reason to get it;)
No advice on the charting while on bcps....Im bad about keeping accurate records even when Im trying!

andrea_jennine said...

Dr. Peppy told me to throw out the charts as soon as we started doing medicated & monitored cycles, so I gladly did! No advice for you on the charting issues, therefore...

Sorry about the UTI.

Have fun in FL!

Natalie said...

I was told baths and alcohol and caffeine are the WORST things for UTI's. Your best bet from what I've experienced really is lots of water (sounds odd, but seriously) or the cranberry juice trick. Those for me dull the pain and let me wait it out until I can see a doc. But lots and lots of either. No baths! Good luck, hope it goes away.

Ashley said...

How are you? Thanks for the comment and suggestion! I do keep my chart on Fertility Friend and have done searches. Beleive me, I have spents hours there too! You are not alone! It can be obsessive! Also, thanks for looking at my numbers. It comforts me to hear other say they look good. Weird, huh? As for the hope, I will keep you in my prayers that you will find it. It is like a breath of fresh air. Plus, it can be a comfort. Usually I seem to find my hope when I read other bloggers who have found it... It makes me realize alot. Again, thanks for the comment! I have added you to my frequent blog read, also!

Ashley said...

As for the charting while on BCP, I would feel you follow the same protocol. Just take your temps at the same time everyday. Just make sure to note on FF that your on BCP. Just because your on BCP, it shouldn't be any different. Also, on the UTI! I feel for you! I have just received another one of those pleasant things. I just had one a month ago! I made an appointment with the Urologist on Monday. I have been getting them very frequently so I am worried. As for your trip to FL, that is where I live! Have fun! :] I will also say some prayers for all the girls you mentioned in your post...

glenna marshall said...

I've been taking my temperature every morning for 3 years and 4 months and I CAN'T STOP! :) I just can't let it go.

Thanks for mentioning me. Still waiting for my surge. My doctor actually called me to check on me since she hasn't heard from me in half of forever. But she assured me it might take a few more days since I don't normally ovulate until days 19-22.

Thanks for the encouragement!


Loren said...

eeeew, UTIs suck! I had one once, and am PETRIFIED of getting another. Hang in there.
what a nice pharmacist! and thank you for your lovely comments on my blog. And the encouragment on yours! So sweet. :)