Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I called the OB today because of the sharp pains in my left abdomen. They've been present all day and eventually really bothering and worrying me. Apparently whoever I got on the phone today, when I mentioned "sharp pains" "in vitro" and "ectopic" she got the messages to the nurse, who then called me within 5 minutes and told me if I could be there in 30 minutes, I'd get an ultrasound. They didn't think this was something to not attend to. They were very surprised I wasn't still under an RE's care, but when I explained I did IVF in San Antonio with the miltiary, they kind-of understood. I guess they didn't before. So, even though I live 30 minutes away, J was home and drove me there. Took us 40 all said and done, but we got in, and I got "fast tracked" into the ultrasound room. I explained (as I had on the phone) that while it was sharp, it wasn't excrutiating, but they never made me feel like I needed any more reason to come in. I loved that I didn't have to feel pressure from them for "worrying." With that said, the tech put the probe in and started around. This felt eerily like my ER visit, where I could see plenty of uterus and ovaries on screen, but nothing resembling all those grainy u/s I see everyone else get....

Until, I see something in the uterus. I hear her mutter "a sac." My eyes well up with tears - I was so worried all the drive there. I kept telling my husband, "I'm not ready for bad news, not ready for this to be over." Wow. She looks around and sees a very enlarged left ovary, and lots of cysts and some free fluid. Enough that she wants the doc to look. But then she tells us, "This is your baby here, flasting right at us. That's the heartbeat." I couldn't believe this was me seeing all this. I wanted to cry, but was too relieved to actually happy-cry.

The dr came in, saw it all too, and while he said it would be very unlikely to have a uterine and tubal pregnancies, it could happen. If I got worse pain, I should come in for another ultrasound. They were so nice, I thought it was their job to deny ultrasounds! He asked a fair amount of our history, cause of IF, how many times we did IVF, why we weren't under an RE's care still, etc. If I don't like the midwife (or feel she's knowledgable enough) I'd go with him. He expected me to be on progesterone and estrogen, and this made me think he'd at least had IVF paitents before. Anyway, quite reassuring.
So without further babbling on.... I'm going to share my ultrasound picture. Those who this is painful for, please don't go any further. I have been there more times than I care to count. I only wish you were all here with me.


Rebel With.A.Cause said...

So glad that everything is ok!! I literally held my breath for a minute there!! Here is to a Happy and Healthy 9 months!!! Isn't that heartbeat just amazing??


Katie said...

Ah, yes. The horribled post-IVF enlarged ovaries.

As they told me when I had the exact same thing, just don't wait too long to go to the bathroom. Oh, and the lovely things will settle down at about 10 - 12 weeks! So, take heart, it's normal and will go away!

Congrats on the beautiful heartbeat!

andrea_jennine said...

So glad you got an early U/S!

The Beauty Junkie said...

Congrats, that's fabulous.

JJ said...

So glad you heard the heartbeat!

Jill said...

I'm so happy they did an U/S!! Love the pic...thanks for sharing! :)

Adriane said...

So glad that everything is OK. Enlarged ovaries and cysts hurt so bad - I feel your pain. Glad you got to see the heartbeat!!!!! It's amazing!

Samantha said...

Whew! Well, I've had the enlarged ovaries and cysts before, so I know what that's like, not so much fun. But I'm so thrilled for you to have the sac and the heartbeat!

docgrumbles said...

That is great news.

Could the swollen ovary be the source of the pain?

Hooray for a heartbeat!

Anonymous said...

I just jumped over from a comment you left me a couple of days ago. I very well may take you up on Tricare advice in the near future. :-)

I am so happy for you that you got to see such a beautiful site!!!! Hooray!!!!

I hope the ovarian issues let up soon so you're not so uncomfortable.

Ms. Perky said...

sorry about the pain, but AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!

Searching said...

How exciting!!! I'm sorry you had to go through such pain and nerve-wrackingness, but wow, your baby! YOUR B-A-B-Y! :)

Anonymous said...

Precious pic of your sweet baby!!!! Glad everything is well, I am praying peace for you and that the pains subside...hope you have a nice weekend....

Mindy said...

Sorry you were hurting and had to run to the ER, but soooo glad that it all turned out ok. Congrats!

Laura said...

Congratulations! Sorry I am just now catching up and finding out that you are pregnant. So glad everything went well - hope the pain goes away soon. Great picture!

cure to morning sickness said...

Congratulation! I also can't wait to see my little angel. This kind of sickness is so depressing but when you finally see your baby, every pain you've encounter or experienced is so worth it.